HyperBourdieu Copyright information

This file is part of HyperBourdieu©WorldCatalogue(HTM)
and contains all copyright informations which pertain to Hyperbourdieu(HTM) and its fair use.

* (HTM) Hyperbourdieu is a protected Hypertext-Trademark by Austrian law (UrhRG 1936 idgF 2006, Par. 21 & 24 iVm 40a).


Copyright information


This data base is subject to and therefore also protected by the copyright regulations of the Austrian Copyright Law ("Urheberrechtsgesetz", published first as Austrian "BGBl. Nr. 111/1936", currently in the version of the Austrian "BGBl. I Nr. 110/2000"). The currently valid data base regulations (sections 40 - 42) of this code allow the free use of copyright-protected material from and within data bases, if this use is restricted to personal & scientific (or strictly educational) purposes, involves no commercial interests, and if the source of the material used is quoted completely and accurately. This includes according to subsequent rulings of all three Austrian Supreme Courts (OGH (= Supreme Civil Court) no. 4Ob140/01v; no. 4Ob273/00a; no. 4Ob224/00w; 4Ob347/74; VWGH (= Supreme Administrative Court) 90/14/0001; 88/13/0206; VFGH (= Supreme Constitutional Court) G108/84; B539/82): that a restricted redistribution is possible, if done within a specific scientific community  for the personal use of a member of this community (including the discussion of a therefore redistributed text within the community); (= "scientific or educational fair-use-restriction"); and that such a specific use does not principally violate the general copyright protections imposed by Austrian Copyright Law on the use of protected material as indicated above.


Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue was compiled as strictly nonprofit resource and tool for the (growing) international community of scholars interested in and working with the concepts and ideas of Pierre Bourdieu in a strictly scientific and non-commercial way. Only on this ground several pieces of citation and information of/on Pierre Bourdieu and his works could be included (see above). And as long as users of Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue comply with these restrictions (non commercial, private and strictly scientific use within the "Bourdieu-community", and quotation of Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue as well as all its sources as source of a specific file), all files, elements and informations stored in our web base may be used freely according to these regulations, including the private, nonprofit and scientific/educational electronic copying and storing of all information pertaining to a specific file in this data base (= Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue). 


To copy and/or to redistribute in any way more than one specific file in the Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue data base, or to mirror this database as a whole remains strictly forbidden, though.


If Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue is used in any way other than described above, the permission of all copyright holders eventually involved becomes necessary, and the responsibility of such a usage is solely on the side of the subsequent user. Hyperbourdieu©WorldCatalogue cannot be held responsible for any unlawful use of its contents.