HyperBourdieu© WorldCatalogueHTM


Pierre Bourdieu (* 1. 8. 1930 - 23. 1. 2002)

Nachrufe/ Obituary notices/ Nécrologues & hommages (Part 3)

& Kommentare/ commentaries/ commentaires
& Wiederveröffentlichungen/ re-editions/ re-émissions

anläßlich/ on-occasion-of/ à-l'occasion  des-Todes/ the-death/ de-mort
von/ of/ de Pierre Bourdieu

(alle Länder & Sprachen/ all countries & languages/ toutes les pays & langues;
ab/ from/ de 24. Januar/ January 24th/ 24 de janvier 2002
bis/ until/ jusque heute/ today/ aujourd'hui; siehe/ see/ voir update notice)

Englisch - English - langue anglaise

United States & Canada (English sources), United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Other English sources


Vereinigte Staaten - United States - États unies & Canada (English publications)  

Websites - sites du web & online magazines

National Obituary Archive (Houston/Tx./USA), online

Associated Press (New-York/N.Y./USA), online Z.net: a commmunity of people devoted to social change (IMPRESSUM ?) The Canadian Journal of Sociology (Toronto/CAN), online version Arts & Letters Daily (New York/N.Y./USA), online The New Yorker: The talk of the town (New York/N.Y./USA), online; posted 2002-04-29

Radio- and TV-broadcasts - émissions de radio & télévision; real audio & real video

New York City public radio station (WYNC, New York/N.Y./USA), real audio

Tageszeitungen - daily newspapers - gazettes quotidiennes

The New York Times (New York/N.Y./USA), January 24th - 25th, 2002

The Chronicle of Higher Education (Washington/DC/USA), January 25th - February 8th, 2002 The Washington Post (Washington/DC/USA), January 26th, 2002 The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles/Ca./USA), January 27th, 2002 The Sun - Sentinel (Miami/Fla./USA), January 25th, 2002

Wochenzeitungen - weekly magazines - hebdos

Counterpunch. America's Best Political Newsletter (Washington/DC/USA), online

The Nation (New York/N.Y./USA), February 18th, 2002, & online

Zeitschriften (monatlich und mehr) - Journals (monthly or more) - magazines mensuels ou +

Footnotes. Newsletter of the American Sociological Association (Washington/DC/USA), Nr. 2/2002 & online

Cultural Studies (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill/N.C./USA) October. Art/Theory/Criticsm/Politics (Cambridge/Mass/USA: MIT Press), Vol. 101 - Summer 2002 Anthropological Quarterly (Washington/D.C../USA: George Washington University); 2002, vol. 75, no. 2 Canadian Journal of Sociology (Toronto/CA), 2002, vol. 27, no. 1  

Großbritannien - United Kingdom - Royaume Unie

Vorträge/Tagungen - conférences/congrèses - lectures/sessions/congresses

University of Nottingham/UK, School of education: Research Seminar Series

Websites - sites du web & online magazines

Sociology online (Nottingham/UK: Nottingham Trent University), online

OpenDemocracy Ltd (London/UK), online

Tageszeitungen - daily newspapers - gazettes quotidiennes

The Guardian (London/UK), January 28th, 2002

The Times (London/UK), January 29th, 2002 The Independant (London/UK), Februray 1st, 2002 & online

Zeitschriften (monatlich und mehr) - Journals (monthly or more) - magazines mensuels ou +

Innovation. The European Journal of Social Science Research (Basingstoke/UK), vol. 15, no. 2 (June 2002)

Theory, Culture and Society. Explorations in Critical Social Science (London/UK), Vol. 19. no.3 (1 June 2002) Antiquity. An international journal of expert archaeology (Cambridge/UK), Volume 76 Number 292 June 2002 Health (London/UK: Sage Publishers), 2002, vol. 6, no. 3 Sociological Theory (Oxford/UK: Blackwell Pulishers), 2002, vol. 20, no. 2 Radical Philosophy. A journal of socialist and feminist philosophy  (Wolverhampton/UK), 2002, no. 111 International Socialism (London/UK), 2002, no. 94, pp. 97-102
& Socialist Review (London/UK), 2002, no. 260

Irland - Ireland - Irlande

Tageszeitungen - daily newspapers - gazettes quotidiennes

The Irish Times (Dublin/IRL), 25. 1. 2002 & online

Zeitschriften (monatlich und mehr) - Journals (monthly or more) - magazines mensuels ou +

Figurations. Newsletter of the Norbert Elias Foundation (Dublin/IRL), no. 17 (spring 2002)


Australien - Australia

Radio- and TV-broadcasts - émissions de radio & télévision; real audio & real video

Radio National Australia (Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney/NSW/AUS), February 11th, 2002

Tageszeitungen - daily newspapers - gazettes quotidiennes

The Australian (Canberra/AUS), January 24th & February 6th, 2002 & online

The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney/NSW/AUS), February 1st, 2002, & online

Neuseeland - New Zealand - Nouvelle Zelandie


Südafrika - South Africa - Afrique Sud

Vorträge/Tagungen - conférences/congrèsses - lectures/sessions/congresses

University of Cape Town/ZA: Conference Management Centre; Basil Bernstein Symposium,  July 2002

Websites - sites du web & online magazines (Durban/ZA)


Internationale englische Texte - international English texts - autres textes en langue anglaise

Wochenzeitungen - weekly magazines - hebdos

Economic and Political Weekly (Mumbai/India), 2002, vol. 37

Zeitschriften (monatlich und mehr) - Journals (monthly or more) - magazines mensuels ou +

The Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies (Malta), 2002, vol. 7, no. 1

International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society (Amsterdam/NED: Kluwer), 2002, vol. 16, no. 1 Environment and Planning D: Society and Space (Den Haag/NED),  2002, volume 20 Educational Philosophy & Theory (London/UK: Philosophy of Education Society for Australasia), 2002, vol. 34, no. 3 International Sociology (London/UK: Sage for ISA), September 2002, vol. 17, no. 4 New Times. Monthly English digest of "Novoje Vremya" (Moscow/RUS), october 2002 & online Label France (Paris/FRA: Ministère des affaires étrangères), no. 47 (Juli 2002) & online  
© Ingo Mörth (send mail)
letztes/ last/ update: 04. Feber/ February 4th / mise à jour le 4 de février 2003.