


Pierre Bourdieu

( *1. 8. 1930 - †23. 1. 2002 )


An All-Inclusive-Documentation



compiled by:


Ingo Mörth (mailto): Wissenschaftliche Leitung, Dokumentation & Internet-Recherchen/ Scientific responsibility, documentation & internet searches


Gerhard Fröhlich (mailto): Wissenschaftliche Leitung & Datenbank-Recherchen/ Scientific responsibility & Data base searches


contributions by: Michaela Fehringer (2003-2005), Wolfgang Theis (2006-2007), Marietta Böning (2008-2009), Caroline Priller & Michael Stedtler (2010-2011), Claus Harringer (2018-2020): all: collaboration in reconstructing and augmenting HyperBourdieu.



NEU/ NEW!!   BourdieuOpenAccess
giving indirect (link-by-link) access to presently online available texts, and also online audio- and video-documents by Pierre Bourdieu, a collection still very incomplete & work in progress.

2005 The URL of HyperBourdieu©WorldCatalogue has changed since 2005 to http://hyperbourdieu.jku.at. 
Please change your links and bookmarks to that new URL. The old URL is definitely closed now..


A major update within the old system was made February 2005, by Ingo Moerth; Thus now many new texts, editions, translations and reprints by Bourdieu were added provisionally,
without hypertext-crossreferencing etc., at the end of the existing previous entries per year.

Many new entries were compiled by Wolfgang Theis and Marietta Böning 2006-2009, already using a new system of data-bank-formatting.

This website is still under reconstruction/ augmentation since then, but due to lack of funding not yet completely changed to the new system. To give at least some information on the many translations, reprints and new collective volumes by Pierre Bourdieu worldwide up to the present date, the most important publications are now added in the "old" format mentioned above. too.

Since October 2013 the reconstruction work has been resumed by Ingo Moerth in two directions: adding recent information and slowly changing HyperBourdieu to the new, more convenient format.

Since 2017 the collection of BourdieuOpenAccess  files was added, and the addition of publications since 2006 in the "old format" was started by Claus Harringer.

English introduction 

Remarques préliminaires françaises


Deutsche Einleitung

Introdución en español

Introdução português

Chinese Introduction

Introduzione italiana (work in progress)

Nederlandse introductie (work in progress)